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Drug Pronunciation Videos

how to pronounce drugs

Tolerance does not develop to the cough and if it greatly bothers the patient switching to an ARB many be indicated. ACE-I are one of the only antihypertensive drugs that will actually improve quality of life, resulting in the patient “feeling better”. Care must be taken if these drugs are used in combination with potassium sparing diuretics or ARBs due to increased propensity of hyperkalemia. An Angiotensin receptor antagonist (ARB) and a representative of its class.

We needed a safe place to find pharmacist-spoken drug otc xanax pronunciations without ads, sign ups, or cost. This audio list began with only 300 drugs. Now, we accept medication video requests from all any fields (e.g., dental hygiene). A non Dihydropyridine Calcium Channel Blocker (as well as class IV antiarrythmic).

  1. It is indicated in the same instances as Dobutamine, but is cleared both renally and through hepatic mechanisms in approximately 2 hours.
  2. The drugs in this class are negative inotropes and can worsen CHF.
  3. It is usually given as a “wide open” infusion in emergent bradycardic situations, and then once a response is seen, the dose will be tapered.
  4. Reduces platelet count through an unknown mechanism.
  5. Resistance may arise by replacing the terminal D-Ala to Lactate, preventing one of the hydrogen bonds from forming.

Most Commonly Prescribed Drugs In The US

how to pronounce drugs

Indicated for ventricular tahycardia (V-tach), but not frequently used. It is available PO, but is not very effective. A direct vasodilator (of arteriolar smooth muscle). Used in CHF as the combination drug Bidel with Hydralazine.

Pronunciation of drugs correctly?

ASA is not recommended for routine use in children due to the risk of Reyes syndrome. An HMG CoA reductase inhibitor (“statin”). Like Atorvastatin, it is used to lower LDLc. It is the 3rd most potent statin, lowering LDL by approximently 50%.

It binds to D-Alanyl-D-Alanine portion of the peptidoglycan and prevents it from being transported to the cell wall for cross-linking. Resistance may arise by replacing the terminal D-Ala to Lactate, preventing one of the hydrogen bonds from forming. A non selective β-adrenergic antagonist. Highly lipophilic causing extensive CNS effects. Usually prescribed to alleviate effects produced by how long does molly stay in your hair adrenergic stimulation such as trembling hands or pounding heart (“flight or fight” manifestations). It is effective only against Gram positive bacteria, is acid labile and can be destroyed by ß-lactamases.

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Unfortunately, the drug is also proarrythmic and increases the HR, both of which are undesirable effects. An α-1 adrenergic antagonist representative of its class. Doxazosin results in arterial and group activities for substance abuse venous vasodilation without reflex tachycardia.

Food also will increase the drug’s absorption. Propafenone is hepatically cleared with an active metabolite and exhibits polymorphic metabolism. Slow metabolizers experience more CNS side effects as well as some β blockade from the drug.

It is not frequently used and when used the HR and QT interval must be diligently monitored. An HMG CoA reductase inhibitor (“statin”) of moderate potency, lowering LDLc by approximately 35%. It is metabolized renally, and therefore is not subject to as many drug interactions as Atorvastatin. Indicated in life threatening ventricular tachycardia (though it works well for controlling premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) in people without arrythmias). It is extremely proarrythmic due to its negative inotropic effects (which depress myocardial function). Diuretic in the class of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.

Procainamide undergoes polymorphic metabolism. Possible side effects include a lupus-like reaction, which is more common in slow acetylators, as well as hypotension and torsades (due to the widening of the QRS interval). A Vitamin K antagonist in the class of coumarins.

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